Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)
The Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)
The MCC provides qualified homebuyers with an annual federal income tax credit equal to roughly 20% of the mortgage interest paid, every year for the life of the loan. Example: a loan amount of $345,000 with a 7.50% loan interest rate could produce tax savings the first year of $5,153*! Lenders can use the estimated tax savings as additional qualifying income and lower debt-to-income ratios.
Homebuyers: Find a lender and ask if you qualify for the MCC – it can only be issued at the time you’re buying your first home!
For qualified borrowers, the MCC can be added to the first mortgage loan whether or not an NRH assistance program is being used. The MCC is for first-time homebuyers, which means not having owned a home in the past three years. Qualified veterans* are exempt from the first-time homebuyer requirement. Income and purchase price limits apply, and borrowers must meet all loan underwriting requirements for the mortgage being obtained to purchase a primary residence. The 20% tax credit is not capped by the IRS – refer to the IRS website for full MCC tax credit details.
View more program details here, including Income Limits, Reissuance Application and Recapture Tax information.
Calculate Your Estimated Costs and Tax Savings
Use the calculator to estimate tax savings over the life of the loan. To calculate additional qualifying income, use this formula: (Mortgage Amount) x (Note Rate) x (%MCC)] ÷ 12 = amount added to borrower’s monthly income.