Rental Assistance Programs
Home is the nicest word there is.
We know how good home feels, and we're here to do whatever it takes to help rural Nevadans get there. Our programs, resources and team unite, delivering our clients the services, security, and sense of peace they need and deserve.

What We Offer
- Housing Choice Vouchers
- Security Deposit Assistance
- Emergency Assistance
- Project-Based Vouchers - Wait List openings are announced and posted as they become available

Resident Support Services
Our resident service coordinator works to help low-income seniors and people with disabilities access a variety of services they may need. This includes everything from helping organize a resident’s Medicare information to lining up meal delivery services and in-home healthcare.
Our tenant support specialist helps residents at Southgate Apartments in Carson City to assist with daily living. This federally-funded program helps residents maintain their independence.
Sample services include:
- Transportation to medical appointments
- Shopping excursions
- Bill sorting
- In-home nutrition services
- House-cleaning
- Mental health
- Navigation of federally funded benefit programs
If your organization provides services ro seniors or disabled persons in our rural communities and is interested in partnering, please contact our Resident Service Coordinator Anna Villalobos.