Bill Brewer

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Bill believes in the mission of Nevada Rural Housing to his core – and behind that belief is the all-out confidence in the best, brightest and most dedicated team on the planet to deliver it.
Bill’s first job in the housing business was almost 40 years ago when he began working for the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA). In 1994, he became the first Housing Program Director for the new Nevada State Office of FmHA, which subsequently became the state office of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development. During his tenure as Program Director at USDA, Bill was responsible for the investment of more than $1 billion in rural Nevada, assisting hundreds of families with their dream of homeownership and providing decent, safe, and affordable rental housing to seniors and families throughout rural Nevada. Bill has extensive experience developing and implementing single- and multi-family housing programs, fostering public-private partnerships and overseeing all aspects of loan making and loan servicing.
“We must strive, at times, to focus on the real purpose of our work, so that mere busyness does not create the illusion we are effective when we are not.” – Spencer W. Kimball
This quote is just one of many that inspires and reminds Bill of how important it is to tether decisions and strategy to what really matters: a mission and the people it serves. Which is why it’s no surprise Bill’s work ethic and dedication extend to his private life, as well. He is a long-time member of the Nevada Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America and served on its Board of Directors for 10 years. In 2004, he was awarded the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award for distinguished service. In 2009, Bill received the President’s Volunteer Service Award – “President” in this case referring to the “President of the United States.” In 2017, the Silver State Fair Housing Council awarded Bill its Heart Award for his work in “Furthering Fair Housing in Our Community.”
A proud Okie, Bill grew up in Shawnee, attended Oklahoma State University, and taught vocational agriculture there for several years. He is so passionate about the rural way of life that, if he did not work in housing and development, Bill says he would gladly be a farmer. The many Nevada farmers and rural residents who have benefited from Bill’s lifelong commitment to rural quality of life are grateful that he chose his current line of work.
‘Home’ is where Bill says he can enjoy his family and totally be himself. Bill has been “happily married to the prettiest, kindest, most patient woman I have ever met” for 45 years. He and his wife raised four children and are now enjoying nine grandchildren. His free time is spent with family and actively serving in his church. And when the weather is good, Bill enjoys riding his Honda Shadow 750, revisiting a fond pastime from his youth.