Roger Mancebo

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It seems fitting that the longest serving member of the current Nevada Rural Housing Board of Commissioners is a true rural Nevadan. Roger Mancebo was born and raised in Lovelock, where he has been a successful businessman and highly involved in municipal government for over 40 years.
Roger was appointed to the NRH Board by Governor Richard Bryan in 1988, the final appointment made by the departing governor en route to his new job in Washington D.C. as a United States Senator. He is a past Chairman, having served over 10 years in that post.
If something is happening in Pershing County, it’s safe to say Roger Mancebo is involved. He is a long-time Pershing County Commissioner, a Representative for Western Interstate Region, Nevada Representative for the Public Lands Subcommittee, Chairman of the State Land Use Planning Agency Committee, as well as Chairman of the Hospital Board for Pershing County, and a member of the Pershing County Tourism Authority.
Roger has had his hand in a number of different businesses over the years, including a restaurant, the food-distribution business, and real estate. He currently owns and runs a Pershing County real estate office. Roger’s knowledge and experience of rural living, rural economics, and rural governance has been invaluable to the NRH Board.
Over the three and a half decades that Roger has served on the NRH Board, he has seen the organization go through some tough times and come out on top. He is very proud of the successful executive team at NRH that the Board has helped bring together. Roger believes this team has the capacity and dedication to continue meeting the stated mission of the organization: to promote, provide and finance affordable housing opportunities for all rural Nevadans.